
    After walking some time in this way, the two ladies in front, the two gentlemen behind, on resuming their places, after descending to the brink of the river for the better inspection of some curious water-plant,there chanced to be a little alteration. It originated in Mrs.Gardiner,who,fatigued by the exercise of the morning, found Elizabeth's arm inadequate to her support, and consequently preferred her husband's. Mr. Darcy took her place by her niece, and they walked on together.After a short silence, the lady first spoke. She wished him to know that she had been assured of his absence before she came to the place, and accordingly began by observing, that his arrival had been very unexpected—“for your housekeeper,”she added,“informed us that you would certainly not be here till to-morrow; and indeed, before we left Bakewell, we understood that you were not immediately expected in the country.”He acknowledged the truth of it all, and said that business with his steward had occasioned his coming forward a few hours before the rest of the party with whom he had been travelling.“They will join me early to-morrow,”he continued,“and among them are some who will claim an acquaintance with you—Mr.Bingley and his sisters.”

    Elizabeth answered only by a slight bow. Her thoughts were instantly driven back to the time when Mr. Bingley's name had been the last mentioned between them;and,if she might judge by his complexion,his mind was not very differently engaged.

    “There is also one other person in the party,”he continued after a pause,“who more particularly wishes to be known to you.Will you allow me,or do I ask too much,to introduce my sister to your acquaintance during your stay at Lambton?”

    The surprise of such an application was great indeed; it was too great for her to know in what manner she acceded to it.She immediately felt that whatever desire Miss Darcy might have of being acquainted with her must be the work of her brother,and, without looking farther, it was satisfactory; it was gratifying to know that his resentment had not made him think really ill of her.

    They now walked on in silence,each of them deep in thought. Elizabeth was not comfortable;that was impossible;but she was flattered and pleased. His wish of introducing his sister to her was a compliment of the highest kind.They soon outstripped the others, and when they had reached the carriage, Mr. and Mrs. Gardiner were half a quarter of a mile behind.

    He then asked her to walk into the house—but she declared herself not tired,and they stood together on the lawn.At such a time much might have been said,and silence was very awkward. She wanted to talk,but there seemed to be an embargo on every subject.At last she recollected that she had been travelling,and they talked of Matlock and Dovedale with great perseverance.Yet time and her aunt moved slowly—and her patience and her ideas were nearly worn our before the tête-à-tête was over.

    On Mr. and Mrs. Gardiner's coming up they were all pressed to go into the house and take some refreshment; but this was declined, and they parted on each side with utmost politeness. Mr.Darcy handed the ladies into the carriage;and when it drove off,Elizabeth saw him walking slowly towards the house.

    The observations of her uncle and aunt now began;and each of them pronounced him to be infinitely superior to anything they had expected.

    “He is perfectly well behaved,polite,and unassuming,”said her uncle.

    “There is something a little stately in him,to be sure,”replied her aunt,“but it is confined to his air,and is not unbecoming.I can now say with the housekeeper,that though some people may call him proud,I have seen nothing of it.”

    “I was never more surprised than by his behaviour to us.It was more than civil;it was really attentive;and there was no necessity for such attention. His acquaintance with Elizabeth was very trifling.”

    “To be sure, Lizzy,”said her aunt,“he is not so handsome as Wickham;or,rather,he has not Wickham's countenance,for his features are perfectly good.But how came you to tell us that he was so disagreeable?”

    Elizabeth excused herself as well as she could;said that she had liked him better when they met in Kent than before,and that she had never seen him so pleasant as this morning.

    “But perhaps he may be a little whimsical in his civilities,”replied her uncle.“Your great men often are;and therefore I shall not take him at his word about fishing, as he might change his mind another day,and warn me off his grounds.”

    Elizabeth felt that they had entirely mistaken his character,but said nothing.

    “From what we have seen of him,”continued Mrs. Gardiner,“I really should not have thought that he could have behaved in so cruel a way by anybody as he has done by poor Wickham.He has not an ill-natured look.On the contrary,there is something pleasing about his mouth when he speaks.And there is something of dignity in his countenance that would not give one an unfavourable idea of his heart. But, to be sure, the good lady who showed us his house did give him a most flaming character! I could hardly help laughing aloud sometimes.But he is a liberal master,I suppose,and that in the eye of a servant comprehends every virtue.”

    Elizabeth here felt herself called on to say something in vindication of his behaviour to Wickham; and therefore gave them to understand,in as guarded a manner as she could,that by what she had heard from his relations in Kent,his actions were capable of a very different construction; and that his character was by no means so faulty,nor Wickham's so amiable,as they had been considered in Hertfordshire. In confirmation of this, she related the particulars of all the pecuniary transactions in which they had been connected,without actually naming her authority, but stating it to be such as might be relied on.

    Mrs.Gardiner was surprised and concerned;but as they were now approaching the scene of her former pleasures, every idea gave way to the charm of recollection; and she was too much engaged in pointing out to her husband all the interesting spots in its environs to think of anything else.Fatigued as she had been by the morning's walk they had no sooner dined than she set off again in quest of her former acquaintance,and the evening was spent in the satisfactions of a intercourse renewed after many years' discontinuance.

    The occurrences of the day were too full of interest to leave Elizabeth much attention for any of these new friends; and she could do nothing but think, and think with wonder, of Mr. Darcy's civility,and,above all,of his wishing her to be acquainted with his sister.
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