
    Elizabeth was now most heartily sorry that she had,from the distress of the moment,been led to make Mr.Darcy acquainted with their fears for her sister; for since her marriage would so shortly give the proper termination to the elopement,they might hope to conceal its unfavourable beginning from all those who were not immediately on the spot.

    She had no fear of its spreading farther through his means. There were few people on whose secrecy she would have more confidently depended; but, at the same time, there was no one whose knowledge of a sister's frailty would have mortified her so much—not, however, from any fear of disadvantage from it individually to herself, for, at any rate, there seemed a gulf impassable between them.Had Lydia's marriage been concluded on the most honourable terms,it was not to be supposed that Mr. Darcy would connect himself with a family,where to every other objection,would now be added an alliance and relationship of the nearest kind with the man whom he so justly scorned.

    From such a connection she could not wonder that he would shrink.The wish of procuring her regard,which she had assured herself of his feeling in Derbyshire, could not in rational expectation survive such a blow as this. She was humbled, she was grieved;she repented,though she hardly knew of what.She became jealous of his esteem,when she could no longer hope to be benefited by it.She wanted to hear of him,when there seemed the least chance of gaining intelligence.She was convinced that she could have been happy with him,when it was no longer likely they should meet.

    What a triumph for him,as she often thought,could he know that the proposals which she had proudly spurned only four months ago, would now have been most gladly and gratefully received! He was as generous, she doubted not, as the most generous of his sex; but while he was mortal, there must be a triumph.

    She began now to comprehend that he was exactly the man who, in disposition and talents, would most suit her. His understanding and temper, though unlike her own, would have answered all her wishes. It was an union that must have been to the advantage of both; by her ease and liveliness, his mind might have been softened,his manners improved;and from his judgement, information, and knowledge of the world, she must have received benefit of greater importance.

    But no such happy marriage could now teach the admiring multitude what connubial felicity really was. An union of a different tendency,and precluding the possibility of the other,was soon to be formed in their family.

    How Wickham and Lydia were to be supported in tolerable independence,she could not imagine.But how little of permanent happiness could belong to a couple who were only brought together because their passions were stronger than their virtue, she could easily conjecture.

    Mr. Gardiner soon wrote again to his brother. To Mr. Bennet's acknowledgments he briefly replied, with assurance of his eagerness to promote the welfare of any of his family;and concluded with entreaties that the subject might never be mentioned to him again.The principal purport of his letter was to inform them that Mr.Wickham had resolved on quitting the militia.
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关于末世一萌物: 如果有人在梦里告诉你末世将近,你会信吗?   真心不想信的陈冕面对自家弟弟突然多出来的空间,不相信也得信了。   原本以为提前预知末世并且附送随身空间已经是开了外挂了,谁知道外挂还能这么开……   “哥,有秘籍……”   “哥,是双修……”   “哥,有异能……” 本文有丧尸,CP:霸道宠爱攻V天然呆萌受,兄弟文,不天雷,偶尔小白,不圣母,不伪娘。结局1V1,HE ?金手指是肯定的,但是不会开的太大,开太大就没意思了。   关于空间,本文会写的丰富一点,致力于把空间开发到最大用途,握拳!让我们木有下限的YY一下别人喝汤我吃肉的地主生活吧! 每晚八点到九点更新,其他时间抓虫,无视之。长评加更。    QQ群:76878160 敲门砖 文中任何一个人的名字 欢迎妹子们虎摸调戏之……   收藏此文章★~点我收藏我吧~★谢谢一直以来支持我的读者们,请尽量支持正版,都要养家糊口,请盗文的亲保持2章以上距离。不然牧仔要翘辫子昏倒了~ ——爱你们牧仔签
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人生最美好的事就是你爱的人陪你从年幼走到白头。 ◆ 顾聿森,传奇人物,传说中的“铁面冷王”。 传闻,他没有心,冷血薄情,狂傲狠绝,孰不知,正是这等视女人于无物的冷兽,自小将一女子爱在心尖,护她十年如一日; 传闻,他是奇才,只消动动手指,全球都要面临一场无硝烟战争,雄才大略创下不败神话,殊不知,他在婚姻这场仗中,战的艰难! ◆ 她是弃女,任人欺凌,命运多舛,原该比灰姑娘还灰,却遇见了她的王子…… 宁艨从未曾料到,这样淡漠疏冷,完全等同于少年的男子,居然能够给予她整个世界? 她太卑微,但,爱情从不存在卑微,或者,她可以豁出去爱一场,贪心的收获一场与她完全不是一个世界的爱情,然,就当她也投入,将自己那虽小却真诚的世界全部捧给他,才发现…… ◆ 你有没有这样爱过,哪怕放弃生命,也不能放弃她? 对顾聿森而言,宁艨就是这个她,是他的呼吸,一旦放弃,便是毙命。 他如猎豹,盯上了她,就势要将她占为已有,他圈她养她,他宠她入骨,将他毕生为数不多的温柔尽数付与她,将他的心都掏出来给了她,但,她却…… ◆ 再相见,他握紧她,指尖泛白,淡漠似冰的眸看向她,竟有一汪深情:“宁艨,睡了我你还想赖帐?” 她心在滴血,嘴角却勾出嫣然一笑:“对不起先生,你好像认错人了……” 认错人了? 冷笑,眸色深谙,他将她裙摆用力一撕! 惊叫,她面色发白:“你、你干什么!?” 干什么? 野性的眸子锐利无比的盯着她,唇角斜起,他冷魅一笑:“你说呢?!” 你在我手心长大,你每一处都有我烙印,你的名都是我给的,这样的你,我怎会认错? 这样的你,还敢妄图翻出我的五指山?! 顾家大哥的爱情,正在启航,一如既往的糖式用心,如若信我,请支持~
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这是一位宅男捡到星际争霸里的虫族基地,又穿越到某个修真世界后,大开金手指,称王称霸,唯我独尊,欺男霸女,顺昌逆亡……一路碾压各种修士,抢来各种修士灵宠调制超级兵种,擒来各种美女修士调制刀锋女王,拥兵亿万三界平推的奇葩故事。 宅男名叫王超,精神偶像是至高神龙傲天。 PS:这是一部不折不扣的暴君魔王的传奇史,以往的暴君魔王都弱爆了。
玄幻奇幻 完结 196万字