
    “I must go instantly to my mother;”she cried.“I would not on any account trifle with her affectionate solicitude;or allow her to hear it from anyone but myself.He is gone to my father already. Oh!Lizzy,to know that what I have to relate will give such pleasure to all my dear family!how shall I bear so much happiness!”

    She then hastened away to her mother, who had purposely broken up the card party,and was sitting up stairs with Kitty.

    Elizabeth, who was left by herself, now smiled at the rapidity and ease with which an affair was finally settled,that had given them so many previous months of suspense and vexation.

    “And this,”said she,“is the end of all his friend's anxious circumspection!of all his sister's falsehood and contrivance!the happiest,wisest,most reasonable end!”

    In a few minutes she was joined by Bingley,whose conference with her father had been short and to the purpose.

    “Where is your sister?”said he hastily,as he opened the door.

    “With my mother upstairs. She will be down in a moment, I dare say.”

    He then shut the door,and,coming up to her,claimed the good wishes and affection of a sister. Elizabeth honestly and heartily expressed her delight in the prospect of their relationship. They shook hands with great cordiality;and then,till her sister came down, she had to listen to all he had to say of his own happiness, and of Jane's perfections; and in spite of his being a lover,Elizabeth really believed all his expectations of felicity to be rationally founded, because they had for basis the excellent understanding, and super-excellent disposition of Jane, and a general similarity of feeling and taste between her and himself.

    It was an evening of no common delight to them all; the satisfaction of Miss Bennet's mind gave a glow of such sweet animation to her face, as made her look handsomer than ever. Kitty simpered and smiled,and hoped her turn was coming soon. Mrs.Bennet could not give her consent or speak her approbation in terms warm enough to satisfy her feelings,though she talked to Bingley of nothing else for half an hour;and when Mr.Bennet joined them at supper,his voice and manner plainly showed how really happy he was.

    Not a word,however,passed his lips in allusion to it,till their visitor took his leave for the night;but as soon as he was gone,he turned to his daughter,and said:

    “Jane,I congratulate you.You will be a very happy woman.”

    Jane went to him instantly,kissed him,and thanked him for his goodness.

    “You are a good girl;”he replied,“and I have great pleasure in thinking you will be so happily settled.I have not a doubt of your doing very well together.Your tempers are by no means unlike.You are each of you so complying,that nothing will ever be resolved on;so easy,that every servant will cheat you;and so generous,that you will always exceed your income.”

    “I hope not so. Imprudence or thoughtlessness in money matters would be unpardonable in me.”
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想要发财? 八十年代摆地摊,九十年代玩股票,二十一世纪搞搞房地产! ?安容从二十一世纪回到了九十年代,成为一个亲爹妈不爱的女炮灰?????? ?她唯一能做的就是努力赚钱,大杀四方! 喜欢种田文的亲们可以点击看看哦,影子古言重生种田文基友新开现言影子完结现言影子完结现言
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十四岁那年,阿奴在经历了一场大火后,摇身一变,她成了上京城中最尊贵的庶女。 只是,这尊贵顶着别人的名分。而旁人也不甘心看着她尊贵,处处紧逼只为让她万劫不复。 几番你死我活,阿奴从山间的野蔷薇,一步步蜕变为娇艳的玫瑰。 她发誓,要用这满身的尖刺来保护自己,来帮着那个人,谋夺这天底下最尊贵的位置。 却忘却了,提防自他的暗箭。 既然要活就好好的活,既然要彼此争斗,那我必将全力相迎。 “皇天后土为证,今生今世你是我唯一的妻,也是我唯一爱的人!” 蓦然回首,这竟是阿奴记忆中最深刻的一句话 她只想问,这些年一起走,你可曾有一丝的后悔 高山之巅,你一人走,累不累
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天地如烘炉,燃烧着万物,人受着磁场的制约,便有生老病死。武者修炼便是逆天而行,打破磁场的制约,成为强者便可以脱离天地的控制。乾坤大陆强者无数,凡是可以成为强者之人,必然是天赋极高,或者修炼极为努力刻苦,加上机遇不错之人。哪怕是你天赋在高,没有极好的机遇,都无法克服自身桎梏,成为真正的强者。 天地之间有着充满灵性的妖兽,人类有着至邪的魔修血修,主角在历练之中,和他们斗智斗勇。且看主角如何打破桎梏,掌握天地的奥义,成为真正强者的故事。武者热血正义,勇往直前,无论遇见甚么危机都得披荆斩棘,不然想成为强者,那简直是在做春秋大梦。
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