
    “I have been thinking it over again,Elizabeth,”said her uncle,as they drove from the town;“and really,upon serious consideration, I am much more inclined than I was to judge as your eldest sister does on the matter. It appears to me so very unlikely that any young man should form such a design against a girl who is by no means unprotected or friendless,and who was actually staying in his colonel's family,that I am strongly inclined to hope the best. Could he expect that her friends would not step forward?Could he expect to be noticed again by the regiment,after such an affront to Colonel Forster?His temptation is not adequate to the risk!”

    “Do you really think so?”cried Elizabeth,brightening up for a moment.

    “Upon my word,”said Mrs. Gardiner,“I begin to be of your uncle's opinion. It is really too great a violation of decency, honour,and interest,for him to be guilty of it.I cannot think so very ill of Wickham.Can you yourself,Lizzy,so wholly give him up,as to believe him capable of it?”

    “Not,perhaps,of neglecting his own interest;but of every other neglect I can believe him capable.If,indeed,it should be so!But I dare not hope it.Why should they not go on to Scotland if that had been the case?”

    “In the first place,”replied Mr.Gardiner,“there is no absolute proof that they are not gone to Scotland.”

    “Oh!but their removing from the chaise into a hackney coach is such a presumption!And,besides,no traces of them were to be found on the Barnet road.”

    “Well, then—supposing them to be in London. They may be there, though for the purpose of concealment, for no more exceptional purpose. It is not likely that money should be very abundant on either side;and it might strike them that they could be more economically, though less expeditiously, married in London than in Scotland.”

    “But why all this secrecy?Why any fear of detection?Why must their marriage be private?Oh,no,no—this is not likely.His most particular friend,you see by Jane's account,was persuaded of his never intending to marry her.Wickham will never marry a woman without some money.He cannot afford it.And what claims has Lydia—what attraction has she beyond youth,health,and good humour that could make him,for her sake,forego every chance of benefiting himself by marrying well? As to what restraint the apprehensions of disgrace in the corps might throw on a dishonourable elopement with her,I am not able to judge;for I know nothing of the effects that such a step might produce.But as to your other objection,I am afraid it will hardly hold good. Lydia has no brothers to step forward; and he might imagine, from my father's behaviour, from his indolence and the little attention he has ever seemed to give to what was going forward in his family,that he would do as little,and think as little about it,as any father could do,in such a matter.”

    “But can you think that Lydia is so lost to everything but love of him as to consent to live with him on any terms other than marriage?”

    “It does seem,and it is most shocking indeed,”replied Elizabeth, with tears in her eyes,“that a sister's sense of decency and virtue in such a point should admit of doubt. But, really, I know not what to say.Perhaps I am not doing her justice.But she is very young;she has never been taught to think on serious subjects;and for the last half-year,nay,for a twelvemonth—she has been given up to nothing but amusement and vanity. She has been allowed to dispose of her time in the most idle and frivolous manner,and to adopt any opinions that came in her way. Since the—shire were first quartered in Meryton,nothing but love,flirtation,and officers have been in her head. She has been doing everything in her power by thinking and talking on the subject, to give greater—what shall I call it?susceptibility to her feelings;which are naturally lively enough.And we all know that Wickham has every charm of person and address that can captivate a woman.”

    “But you see that Jane,”said her aunt,“does not think so very ill of Wickham as to believe him capable of the attempt.”

    “Of whom does Jane ever think ill?And who is there,whatever might be their former conduct, that she would think capable of such an attempt, till it were proved against them? But Jane knows, as well as I do, what Wickham really is.We both know that he has been profligate in every sense of the word;that he has neither integrity nor honour;that he is as false and deceitful as he is insinuating.”

    “And do you really know all this?”cried Mrs.Gardiner,whose curiosity as to the mode of her intelligence was all alive.

    “I do indeed,”replied Elizabeth, colouring.“I told you, the other day, of his infamous behaviour to Mr. Darcy; and you yourself,when last at Longbourn,heard in what manner he spoke of the man who had behaved with such forbearance and liberality towards him.And there are other circumstances which I am not at liberty—which it is not worth while to relate;but his lies about the whole Pemberley family are endless. From what he said of Miss Darcy I was thoroughly prepared to see a proud,reserved, disagreeable girl.Yet he knew to the contrary himself.He must know that she was as amiable and unpretending as we have found her.”

    “But does Lydia know nothing of this?can she be ignorant of what you and Jane seem so well to understand?”
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那一夜,她化身妖精与他缠绵,被他压在身下狠狠调教。事后,逃之夭夭。 再度相遇,他捏着她的下巴,邪魅地说,“小野猫,偷吃了本少爷,以为擦擦嘴就能了事么?” “你想怎样?”她淡定的问。 “我缺个继承人,替我生个儿子,我给你一亿。” “成交!……儿子,快出来见见你亲爹。” 一个小肉球炮弹一样的冲过来,跳到某男面前睁着萌动的大眼睛问,“你真的是我内裤外穿的爹地?” 看着缩小版的自己,某男嘴角抽筋似的停不下来。 某女一脸得瑟坐等数钱的样子,孰料某男突然语不惊人死不休的爆出一句。 “我们聊什么来着,不好意思,我失忆了,刚才说过什么通通都不记得了。” “失忆你妹!”某女发飙暴走……
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她暗夜组织中的幽魂,偷取他的珍宝祖母绿被他吃干抹净。她气恼在他脸上留下一大脚印加在一骂名,逃之夭夭。  再见面,她是他相中保护自己的大小姐保镖。  “意外”保镖变情人,总裁失财又失心却甘之如饴,只因他爱她,一场变故隔断他和她的感情之路。  她落魄不堪,组织也抛弃了她。知道她遭遇的那一刻,他细心呵护,任由她盗取自己的情报和金钱,甚至为了救她不惜捐出自己的一半肾。  婚床上。她双眼迷离,眉丝诱惑看着身上的他“我什么都没了,只有你,你爱我吗?”  “爱,为你我做什么都值得,”他深情回应,低吻她的唇。“可我不爱你,只想杀了你,”  女子妖艳轻笑,发着寒光的匕首赫然刺进他的胸口。  他眉宇痛苦却只深情道,“只要你开心,我宁愿死在你手中”说着慢慢滑下。“那你去死”她恼火一脚揣下,穿好衣服离开的同时脸上挂满泪花…  *  再相遇。他把她幽禁在他和墙壁之间。  “这里不适合你,回去继续给我当老婆吧”他霸道深情道,低头撅住思念已久的唇。  “流氓。放开我,你认错人了”  她挣扎咬上他的唇,趁他吃疼推开他拔腿而去,嘴角泛起枯涩的笑意心中默念“原谅我,我不配”…  看着她离开的背影,男人嘴角带着狂势的笑意:“女人你跑不了了,上次的失手,这才我绝不容许你再逃开我”…  ;;;;;;  看腹黑总裁,如何宠妻护妻,将小女子吃进肚中,又如何重追回这伤神却骄慢的小娇妻。男强,女强,身心都干净,结局一对一。
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恋爱三个月后的某天,钱柚发现她男朋友有个惊人秘密。她慌忙去找闺蜜求助:钱柚:怎么办!我男朋友似乎是狼人,肌肉好发达的那种!闺蜜:……大半夜发消息给我这只单身狗,嘚瑟你男朋友身材好,这样真的好吗!钱柚:不是啊!他真的是狼人!我好怕被他吃掉呀!…友尽钱柚:真的变身了啊啊啊啊![该消息未发送成功][网络连接中断,请您检查路由器设置]钱柚打了个寒颤,回头看向身后……她男朋友佟琅手里抓着网线,对她邪佞一笑,露出两颗狼牙:“你说我是什么?”【温馨提示】:如无特殊情况,文章保持日更,更新时间为每天中午11点30分左右。本文于5月15号(周日)入V,扣子出品,望亲们能支持一下我!如果喜欢扣子的文,可以点进下图的专栏看看我的其他文哟~↓感谢:小棠菜 扔的地雷;宁未央 扔的地雷×7;酒知饺子 扔的地雷;宁未央 扔的手榴弹×2;宁未央 扔的火箭炮;爱你们嗷!
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【2014星创奖第五季参赛作品】 绝代老魔,借体重生,带着上一世获得的惊天造化,掌金蝉印记,修金蝉不死身,以一个杂役弟子的身份,再登通天路。 少年的身体,魔头的心,一路横推,踩下各种天骄人杰,留下永恒的神话,天下独尊! ―― 书友群:337916614,欢迎大家进来聊天打屁。
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