
    “Do not give way to useless alarm,”added he;“though it is right to be prepared for the worst,there is no occasion to look on it as certain.It is not quite a week since they left Brighton.In a few days more,we may gain some news of them;and till we know that they are not married,and have no design of marrying,do not let us give the matter over as lost.As soon as I get to town I shall go to my brother,and make him come home with me to Gracechurch Street;and then we may consult together as to what is to be done.”

    “Oh! my dear brother,”replied Mrs. Bennet,“that is exactly what I could most wish for.And now do,when you get to town, find them out,wherever they may be;and if they are not married already,make them marry.And as for wedding clothes,do not let them wait for that,but tell Lydia she shall have as much money as she chooses to buy them,after they are married.And,above all things,keep Mr.Bennet from fighting.Tell him what a dreadful state I am in,that I am frighted out of my wits—and have such tremblings,such flutterings,all over me—such spasms in my side and pains in my head,and such beatings at heart,that I can get no rest by night nor by day.And tell my dear Lydia not to give any directions about her clothes till she has seen me,for she does not know which are the best warehouses.Oh,brother,how kind you are!I know you will contrive it all.”

    But Mr. Gardiner, though he assured her again of his earnest endeavours in the cause, could not avoid recommending moderation to her,as well in her hopes as her fear;and after talking with her in this manner till dinner was on the table,they all left her to vent all her feelings on the housekeeper,who attended in the absence of her daughters.

    Though her brother and sister were persuaded that there was no real occasion for such a seclusion from the family,they did not attempt to oppose it,for they knew that she had not prudence enough to hold her tongue before the servants,while they waited at table,and judged it better that one only of the household,and the one whom they could most trust should comprehend all her fears and solicitude on the subject.

    In the dining-room they were soon joined by Mary and Kitty, who had been too busily engaged in their separate apartments to make their appearance before.One came from her books,and the other from her toilette.The faces of both,however,were tolerably calm;and no change was visible in either,except that the loss of her favourite sister,or the anger which she had herself incurred in this business,had given more of fretfulness than usual to the accents of Kitty.As for Mary,she was mistress enough of herself to whisper to Elizabeth,with a countenance of grave reflection, soon after they were seated at table:

    “This is a most unfortunate affair, and will probably be much talked of.But we must stem the tide of malice,and pour into the wounded bosoms of each other the balm of sisterly consolation.”

    Then, perceiving in Elizabeth no inclination of replying, she added,“Unhappy as the event must be for Lydia, we may draw from it this useful lesson: that loss of virtue in a female is irretrievable; that one false step involves her in endless ruin;that her reputation is no less brittle than it is beautiful;and that she cannot be too much guarded in her behaviour towards the undeserving of the other sex.”

    Elizabeth lifted up her eyes in amazement,but was too much oppressed to make any reply.Mary,however,continued to console herself with such kind of moral extractions from the evil before them.

    In the afternoon,the two elder Miss Bennets were able to be for half-an-hour by themselves; and Elizabeth instantly availed herself of the opportunity of making any inquiries, which Jane was equally eager to satisfy.After joining in general lamentations over the dreadful sequel of this event,which Elizabeth considered as all but certain,and Miss Bennet could not assert to be wholly impossible,the former continued the subject,by saying,“But tell me all and everything about it which I have not already heard. Give me further particulars.What did Colonel Forster say?Had they no apprehension of anything before the elopement took place?They must have seen them together for ever.”

    “Colonel Forster did own that he had often suspected some partiality,especially on Lydia's side,but nothing to give him any alarm.I am so grieved for him!His behaviour was attentive and kind to the utmost.He was coming to us,in order to assure us of his concern,before he had any idea of their not being gone to Scotland:when that apprehension first got abroad,it hastened his journey.”

    “And was Denny convinced that Wickham would not marry? Did he know of their intending to go off?Had Colonel Forster seen Denny himself?”

    “Yes; but, when questioned by him, Denny denied knowing anything of their plans,and would not give his real opinion about it. He did not repeat his persuasion of their not marrying—and from that, I am inclined to hope, he might have been misunderstood before.”

    “And till Colonel Forster came himself, not one of you entertained a doubt,I suppose,of their being really married?”
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“这是朕的家事,由不得你们来给朕指手画脚”,宇文卿墨冷冷道,“两位爱卿以其花这许多功夫来操心朕的家事,还不如多花些心思想想我大宇的江山社稷百姓黎民!”。“退下吧!”宇文卿墨不耐烦的揉了揉太阳穴。“启禀皇上,皇后娘娘求见”。“让她滚!”“啊?”,太监颤颤巍巍,奴才不敢啊皇上。。宇文卿墨一脸愤愤,哼!一群贱人,整天想着爬上朕的床,肖想朕的身体,哼!你们也配?朕的身体启是尔等贱人能碰的,除了他,谁也休想!。张大力:你们在说谁?宇文卿墨:哥,我身体不舒服。张大力:快到怀里来。我们家小家伙就是很萌很软很乖巧啊,而且长得超级好看的。 公告:本文于明天(4月26号周二)或者后天周三入v,入半是明日,因为我正在码字码字码字),希望喜欢本文的亲们继续支持我,给我码字码字的动力,谢谢大家偶的连载古耽《[东方玄幻]之征途》和存稿现耽《[娱乐圈]强制搅基》求支持哦
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本以为是一个生命的终结,却是另一个生命莫名的开始。 虚假,现实,残忍,冷漠,已经让林秀不再相信队友,相信爱情,相信友谊,但是使徒貌似跟他开了一个很大的玩笑。 “你好,我叫蒂法·洛克哈特。” “哈哈哈,唤醒我的贱民,请聆听生命的交响乐。” “下仆,你知道你在做什么?” “你知道雪花为什么是白色的吗?” 好吧,林秀,看来你并不孤单,林秀那干净的脸上挂上了一个温馨的笑容。 本故事纯属虚构幻想,如有雷同,乱棍打死。
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她是组织中的首席杀手,美艳的身段,千变万化的模样,所有的任务都能够在最快的速度完成。只是,最近接到的任务出奇地诡异,但又不能够将任务解除,其一是她的名声,其二是任务失败之后会让她以命做抵。 “死小鬼,你在往哪摸?” “本殿下只是在检查未来王妃的硬件怎么样。”小鬼头理所当然的回嘴。 本以为长大了就可以将之摆脱,谁知道竟有着后续任务。 先X,后O,再XO,再XXOO之后,她怒了,“你就不怕X尽人亡?” 男人邪魅一笑,轻轻地吻了吻她精致是锁骨,“你难道忘了,和你XXOO,可以让我的灵力更充沛?”
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【正文完结,番外暂停中……】他许她倾世情缘,她说愿与君同生死……     世界上最好的不是我爱你也不是我想你,而是你回头时,她依然笑着说,“终于等到你爱我!”  他是她的哥哥,亦是她心里最爱的男人,一次酒醉她扑倒了他,醒来后……  她是他心里的开心果,亦是他后知后觉的小甜心,他拼了命的想好好的爱她,而她却总是反抗他的宠爱!  世界上刚刚好的事不多,但他严城却是后知后觉,明明真爱就在身边,他却几次三番的将她推开……    ………………  一夜缠绵,她成了他的严太太,却带着球跑了……  他拥着她,一脸柔情似水的说,“我太笨,是你教会我何为爱何为情,我想用无限期的爱来回报你,可以吗?严太太!”她含笑,吻着他的喉结说,“愿得一人心,白首不相离!”【正文简介】曾经他视她为珍宝,宠她入骨,然而一个呢喃后,他视她为死敌,遍体鳞伤后,她却……    他与她只是一面之缘的陌路人,然而冷酷、嗜血如他,却因那一面之缘,而情生不知所终。    **********    “你到底是谁?为什么要如此侵犯我?”女人抵着男人的胸膛,杏眸之中布满愤怒道。  男人闻言,冷冷的撇了身下的她一眼,“别故作清纯
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穹州大陆,强者为尊,修灵者为尊。她上官晓月,四大家族之一的上官家的五小姐,却是一个不愿被人提起的存在,只因她母亲是平民,所以她生来便无任何资质,废材一名,使得上官家蒙羞。 而她风浅,一抹来自异世的魂魄,重生在她的身上,从此替取代她继续活在这个世上。说她无能,那她便一步一步变强给他们看,说她无颜,那她就给他们一个倾世妖娆之容,说她不配姓上官,哼!那她便毫不留恋地弃之,从此只为自己而活。 他,多重身份,冷漠的面具下,只对她一人展露笑容,守她,护她。她想变强,他便帮她变强,强到足以和他并肩而立,陪她看尽世间繁华。 本文一对一宠文!【小片段】 风浅惬意地坐在院中吃着某男递过来的水果,然后瞟了他一眼后无奈地问道, “你说你没事整天拿着一把扇子做什么?” 某男继续替风浅扇着扇子,然后勾起嘴角,露出一脸妖孽地表情, “为夫专爱用扇,可为夫人去热遮阳!” 四大圣扇之一的冥雾就这样被某男拿来给自己女人当扇子用了······【小片段】 夜里,被窝突然一动,某男以迅雷不及掩耳之势钻了进去,风浅立刻黑线直冒。 “这位公子怕是进错被窝了吧!” “没有啊,我很确定!” 某男说着还从后面抱住风浅,手法熟练地在她身上吃起豆腐来。 “拿开你的手,给我出去!”忍无可忍的风浅大吼一声。 这时屋外传来几道脚步声,隐约着还能听到一丝熟悉的声音,“年轻人就是精力旺盛啊!” ······
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