
    Miss Bingley's congratulations to her brother,on his approaching marriage,were all that was affectionate and insincere.She wrote even to Jane on the occasion,to express her delight,and repeat all her former professions of regard.Jane was not deceived,but she was affected;and though feeling no reliance on her,could not help writing her a much kinder answer than she knew was deserved.

    The joy which Miss Darcy expressed on receiving similar information, was as sincere as her brother's in sending it. Four sides of paper were insufficient to contain all her delight,and all her earnest desire of being loved by her sister.

    Before any answer could arrive from Mr. Collins, or any congratulations to Elizabeth from his wife, the Longbourn family heard that the Collinses were come themselves to Lucas Lodge.The reason of this sudden removal was soon evident. Lady Catherine had been rendered so exceedingly angry by the contents of her nephew's letter, that Charlotte, really rejoicing in the match,was anxious to get away till the storm was blown over.At such a moment, the arrival of her friend was a sincere pleasure to Elizabeth,though in the course of their meetings she must sometimes think the pleasure dearly bought,when she saw Mr. Darcy exposed to all the parading and obsequious civility of her husband. He bore it, however, with admirable calmness. He could even listen to Sir William Lucas, when he complimented him on carrying away the brightest jewel of the country, and expressed his hopes of their all meeting frequently at St. James's, with very decent composure. If he did shrug his shoulders, it was not till Sir William was out of sight.

    Mrs.Phillips's vulgarity was another,and perhaps,a greater tax on his forbearance; and though Mrs. Phillips, as well as her sister,stood in too much awe of him to speak with the familiarity which Bingley's good humour encouraged,yet, whenever she did speak,she must be vulgar.Nor was her respect for him,though it made her more quiet, at all likely to make her more elegant. Elizabeth did all she could to shield him from the frequent notice of either,and was ever anxious to keep him to herself,and to those of her family with whom he might converse without mortification;and though the uncomfortable feelings arising from all this took from the season of courtship much of its pleasure, it added to the hope of the future;and she looked forward with delight to the time when they should be removed from society so little pleasing to either,to all the comfort and elegance of their family party at Pemberley.

    Happy for all her maternal feelings was the day on which Mrs. Bennet got rid of her two most deserving daughters.With what delighted pride she afterwards visited Mrs. Bingley, and talked of Mrs.Darcy,may be guessed.I wish I could say,for the sake of her family,that the accomplishment of her earnest desire in the establishment of so many of her children produced so happy an effect as to make her a sensible,amiable,well-informed woman for the rest of her life;though perhaps it was lucky for her husband, who might not have relished domestic felicity in so unusual a form,that she still was occasionally nervous and invariably silly.

    Mr. Bennet missed his second daughter exceedingly; his affection for her drew him oftener from home than anything else could do.He delighted in going to Pemberley,especially when he was least expected.

    Mr.Bingley and Jane remained at Netherfield only a twelvemonth. So near a vicinity to her mother and Meryton relations was not desirable even to his easy temper,or her affectionate heart.The darling wish of his sisters was then gratified;he bought an estate in a neighbouring county to Derbyshire,and Jane and Elizabeth, in addition to every other source of happiness,were within thirty miles of each other.

    Kitty, to her very material advantage, spent the chief of her time with her two elder sisters. In society so superior to what she had generally known, her improvement was great. She was not of so ungovernable a temper as Lydia;and,removed from the influence of Lydia's example, she became, by proper attention and management, less irritable, less ignorant, and less insipid. From the further disadvantage of Lydia's society she was of course carefully kept,and though Mrs.Wickham frequently invited her to come and stay with her,with the promise of balls and young men,her father would never consent to her going.
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一觉醒来,变成狗了。崔胜玄感觉到了这个世界对他的深深恶意。他想狗带,没死成。徐知绘在某天的傍晚捡到了一只很好玩的狗。这只狗会做人的表情、会开电视和音响,属性傲娇又自恋。后来,它不见了。 再后来……有个神似她男神的人敲开她的家门。“我要对你负责!”“……”喂,首尔精神病院吗?你家的病人跑出来了。犯病的症状?他整容成崔胜玄的样子,说要对我负责。附:谢绝扒榜!望大家多多支持,比心。
玄幻奇幻 完结 87万字


穿越成婴儿,一口奶还没喝到就遇到血腥屠杀,从此不明身世的奶娃变成了孤儿。被带到了暗无天日的暗卫训练营! 幸好有个呆萌可爱的小正太在身边,年复一年,呆萌可爱小正太变成了摆着扑克脸的冷酷十三皇子,而她也从玩伴变成了必须要死忠与他的暗卫。一场场生死维护,一次次血腥厮杀,她对他的忠诚,却换来了他的越加冷淡,只因一不成文的规定:暗卫不可恋主,否则杀无赦! 一场变故,一个危机,一些故人逝去。神秘的身世面纱被揭开,她从无人疼宠的孤儿变成最为尊贵的公主,而昔日的十三皇子也成为一国之君!再次相遇,是真爱还是又一场阴谋……
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玄幻奇幻 完结 44万字


他俊逸潇洒狂傲嗜血,不请自来的女人大排长龙,只为他深眸一瞥。可惜,花心与薄情是他的专利,就算有未婚妻也是当做那女人不存在。 直到未曾谋面的未婚妻寄来一份解除婚约的协议书与一张字条:“所谓的情场高手就是找不到好女人,当不成好男人。成天玩弄感情还自以为多么了不起,我... [详细介绍]
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这是一个拥有混元圣体的少年如何成为天地至尊的故事。 这同样是一个少年如何寻找九大图腾祖柱,复活祖龙的故事。 在这个故事中,有巫妖之战,有佛道之争,还有天魔入侵,更有至尊大战! 【老鼠的第六本小说,前面五本共计1200万字,请各位放心收藏。】
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她是相府嫡女,却是天生废材,惨遭家族遗弃,饿死荒野。再次醒来,废材灵魂易主…… 他是众人口中的鬼王爷,嗜血成性,丑陋无比,连克三妻,终日带着一副白玉面具。传闻他出生时吓晕了太后,吓死了母妃…… 可又有谁知,他们都是这异世里隐藏得最深的人…… 那日,她被蛇中之王选中,成为他命定的女人。从此,蛇王为宠,群蛇为伴,横行天下,狂妄无边! “我不管你是皇帝老儿还是市井小民,欠我的,我必以你们的鲜血来洗刷我心头之恨,以你们的灵魂来祭奠我被人践踏过的自尊!” 当面纱层层揭开,那人儿风华绝代,艳冠天下,手段狠辣,本领高强。然后,天翻了,地覆了,世人都傻眼了!至此,惊世魅颜弄乾坤,素手凭栏愚世人。但使白纱舞日月,凤凰于飞乱苍穹!【花园里,粉妆玉琢的小男孩正蹲在地上摆弄一堆花花绿绿的蛇。某王路过,好奇的问:“你在干什么?”某小孩答:“驯蛇。”某王不解:“驯蛇干什么?”某小孩答:“半夜你要敢在爬上娘亲的床,我放蛇咬死你。”某王嘴角抽搐,满头的黑线……】【一生所求为何?繁华背后,有一人生死相随。此生,足以!】【推荐姝研的完结文:一等狂妃倾天下!】 小说关键词:鬼王的金牌蛇妃无弹窗,鬼王的金牌蛇妃txt全集下载,鬼王的金牌蛇妃最新章节阅读
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