
    Elizabeth had the satisfaction of receiving an answer to her letter as soon as she possibly could. She was no sooner in possession of it,than hurrying into the little copse,where she was least likely to be interrupted,she sat down on one of the benches and prepared to be happy;for the length of the letter convinced her that it did not contain a denial.

    Gracechurch street,Sept.6.

    “My dear Niece,

    “I have just received your letter, and shall devote this whole morning to answering it,as I foresee that a little writing will not comprise what I have to tell you.I must confess myself surprised by your application;I did not expect it from you.Don't think me angry,however,for I only mean to let you know that I had not imagined such inquiries to be necessary on your side.If you do not choose to understand me,forgive my impertinence.Your uncle is as much surprised as I am—and nothing but the belief of your being a party concerned would have allowed him to act as he has done.But if you are really innocent and ignorant,I must be more explicit.

    “On the very day of my coming home from Longbourn, your uncle had a most unexpected visitor. Mr. Darcy called, and was shut up with him several hours.It was all over before I arrived;so my curiosity was not so dreadfully racked as yours seems to have been.He came to tell Mr.Gardiner that he had found out where your sister and Mr.Wickham were, and that he had seen and talked with them both;Wickham repeatedly, Lydia once. From what I can collect,he left Derbyshire only one day after ourselves,and came to town with the resolution of hunting for them.The motive professed was his conviction of its being owing to himself that Wickham's worthlessness had not been so well known as to make it impossible for any young woman of character to love or confide in him.He generously imputed the whole to his mistaken pride,and confessed that he had before thought it beneath him to lay his private actions open to the world.His character was to speak for itself.He called it,therefore,his duty to step forward, and endeavour to remedy an evil which had been brought on by himself. If he had another motive, I am sure it would never disgrace him. He had been some days in town, before he was able to discover them;but he had something to direct his search, which was more than we had;and the consciousness of this was another reason for his resolving to follow us.

    “There is a lady,it seems,a Mrs.Younge,who was some time ago governess to Miss Darcy,and was dismissed from her charge on some cause of disapprobation, though he did not say what. She then took a large house in Edward-street, and has since maintained herself by letting lodgings.This Mrs.Younge was, he knew, intimately acquainted with Wickham; and he went to her for intelligence of him as soon as he got to town.But it was two or three days before he could get from her what he wanted. She would not betray her trust, I suppose, without bribery and corruption, for she really did know where her friend was to be found.Wickham indeed had gone to her on their first arrival in London,and had she been able to receive them into her house, they would have taken up their abode with her. At length, however, our kind friend procured the wished-for direction. They were in—street.He saw Wickham,and afterwards insisted on seeing Lydia.His first object with her,he acknowledged,had been to persuade her to quit her present disgraceful situation, and return to her friends as soon as they could be prevailed on to receive her,offering his assistance,as far as it would go. But he found Lydia absolutely resolved on remaining where she was. She cared for none of her friends; she wanted no help of his; she would not hear of leaving Wickham. She was sure they should be married some time or other, and it did not much signify when.Since such were her feelings,it only remained,he thought,to secure and expedite a marriage,which,in his very first conversation with Wickham,he easily learnt had never been his design. He confessed himself obliged to leave the regiment, on account of some debts of honour,which were very pressing;and scrupled not to lay all the ill-consequences of Lydia's flight on her own folly alone.He meant to resign his commission immediately;and as to his future situation,he could conjecture very little about it. He must go somewhere,but he did not know where,and he knew he should have nothing to live on.

    “Mr. Darcy asked him why he had not married your sister at once.Though Mr.Bennet was not imagined to be very rich,he would have been able to do something for him,and his situation must have been benefited by marriage.But he found,in reply to this question, that Wickham still cherished the hope of more effectually making his fortune by marriage in some other country. Under such circumstances,however,he was not likely to be proof against the temptation of immediate relief.

    “They met several times,for there was much to be discussed. Wickham of course wanted more than he could get;but at length was reduced to be reasonable.

    “Every thing being settled between them,Mr.Darcy's next step was to make your uncle acquainted with it,and he first called in Gracechurch street the evening before I came home. But Mr. Gardiner could not be seen, and Mr. Darcy found, on further inquiry,that your father was still with him,but would quit town the next morning. He did not judge your father to be a person whom he could so properly consult as your uncle,and therefore readily postponed seeing him till after the departure of the former. He did not leave his name, and till the next day it was only known that a gentleman had called on business.

    “On Saturday he came again.Your father was gone,your uncle at home,and,as I said before,they had a great deal of talk together.
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40年2月,现代军官穿越,成为“满洲国”吉林省一普通村民,称为马迁安。此刻正逢中国抗战艰苦时期,亦即东北抗联惨遭倾覆之时。怀有朴素爱国情感的马迁安义无反顾投入到这场伟大的反侵略战争洪流中,从一名普通抗联士兵直至共和国元勋。主人公穿插来往于东北边境抗联驻地与中国内地,在率领抗联战士们打击东北关东军的同时,也有时会在东北局势处于僵持对峙阶段时出现在延安、长江以南、东南亚,运用超前知识为祖国建立功勋。 小说关键词:铁血骠骑无弹窗,铁血骠骑txt全集下载,铁血骠骑最新章节阅读
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一个生活在都市的普通青年,竟然是来自于一千年以后的世界。不过主角萧宇宁却并不知情,在自己拥有了可以控制时间的小闹钟,做起了众多校花,美女的贴身保镖! 一场不属于这个时代的爱情,究竟会有何结果。 萧宇宁究竟背负着怎样的使命?面对许多强大而又未知的对手,萧宇宁又将如何应对? 一条为萧宇宁铺好的修神之路,萧宇宁又如何逆境成神,谱写自己的嚣张道路。 欢迎阅读极品未来保镖,希望大家多多支持!!!
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传说,权倾一世的星际集团总裁唐亦廷,不近女色,年方二十八,还是个(此处省略);传说,令人闻风丧胆的黑帝斯唐亦廷,只对一样东西过敏,居然是(自己想像)…… 传说这东西靠不靠谱,李沅衣并不知道,她只知道,惹上这样一个霸道的男人,除了爱上他,别无选择—— ***** 节目中,她炮轰他为冷血杀手,他意味深长说了一句:“这么漂亮的女人,本少怎么舍得动她?” 不舍得动?开玩笑,半夜爬窗找她算账的又是谁? 美男上司代她上门道歉,情敌交锋,剑拔弩张,结果却换来她买单—— “唐亦廷,为什么让我离开财经频道?” “很简单,司正皓喜欢你!” “就因为他喜欢我,所以我必须离开电视台,这算什么天理?” …… 李沅衣,美女主播,知性大方、见解独到的她,是A市男人心中的完美女神,也是他苦寻六年的逃妻,只可惜,她忘了—— 没关系,忘了过去更好,没有她心中那个人,他们才有机会,真正在一起! *** 遇见李沅衣,对唐亦廷来说,是一场绵延入骨,不死不休的顽疾,赶也赶不走,避也避不开。——分别的那几年,他有多疼痛多疯癫,她都看不见…… ****** 一场虐恋情深的感情羁绊,牵出石破天惊的重大秘密。当我牵着你的手,为你许下生生世世的承诺,为何换来一片鲜血的洗礼?当所有自以为的信念一夕崩塌,我转身刹那,却发现你一直在原地—— 本文大宠小虐,1V1,男女主角身心干净!坑品保证! ————- 推荐很好看的两篇完结文:《恶魔总裁,别挡道》,《傲娇驾到,总裁别闹》,都是1v1的宠文,高洁的亲们,可放心入坑。
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【第四编辑组签约作品】 我们都知道,作为中国传统医学,中医虽然具有很大的实用价值,但是在世界上却没有被广泛的承认和接受。 玄而又玄的穴位经脉以及阴阳五行理论,现代科学要解释,也束手无策。 本书的主角,面临着这样的环境,却在两个中西医学大师的教育之下,融合两家所长。 行走世间,治病救人,其中又有许多旖旎故事。 要看中医如何成为了世界瞩目的医疗手段,且看这一段《庸医》的精彩故事。 ———— 萧禹的《肥厨》也有300万点击,大家有空也去多多支持下哦!
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叶彬因醉酒而导致车祸,再次睁开眼睛的时候他已经回到了1979年的香港,在这个峥嵘的时代里他能做些什么呢?写书?拍电影?炒股?、、、或者是成为一代娱乐大亨? 一切精彩,尽在锦绣香江。
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