
    “They met again on Sunday,and then I saw him too.It was not all settled before Monday:as soon as it was,the express was sent off to Longbourn. But our visitor was very obstinate. I fancy, Lizzy,that obstinacy is the real defect of his character,after all. He has been accused of many faults at different times,but this is the true one.Nothing was to be done that he did not do himself;though I am sure(and I do not speak it to be thanked,therefore say nothing about it),your uncle would most readily have settled the whole.

    “They battled it together for a long time,which was more than either the gentleman or lady concerned in it deserved.But at last your uncle was forced to yield, and instead of being allowed to be of use to his niece,was forced to put up with only having the probable credit of it,which went sorely against the grain;and I really believe your letter this morning gave him great pleasure, because it required an explanation that would rob him of his borrowed feathers, and give the praise where it was due. But, Lizzy,this must go no farther than yourself,or Jane at most.

    “You know pretty well,I suppose,what has been done for the young people.His debts are to be paid,amounting,I believe,to considerably more than a thousand pounds, another thousand in addition to her own settled upon her, and his commission purchased.The reason why all this was to be done by him alone, was such as I have given above.It was owing to him,to his reserve and want of proper consideration, that Wickham's character had been so misunderstood,and consequently that he had been received and noticed as he was.Perhaps there was some truth in this;though I doubt whether his reserve,or anybody's reserve,can be answerable for the event.But in spite of all this fine talking, my dear Lizzy, you may rest perfectly assured that your uncle would never have yielded, if we had not given him credit for another interest in the affair.

    “When all this was resolved on,he returned again to his friends, who were still staying at Pemberley; but it was agreed that he should be in London once more when the wedding took place, and all money matters were then to receive the last finish.

    “I believe I have now told you every thing.It is a relation which you tell me is to give you great surprise;I hope at least it will not afford you any displeasure.Lydia came to us;and Wickham had constant admission to the house. He was exactly what he had been,when I knew him in Hertfordshire;but I would not tell you how little I was satisfied with her behaviour while she stayed with us,if I had not perceived,by Jane's letter last Wednesday, that her conduct on coming home was exactly of a piece with it, and therefore what I now tell you can give you no fresh pain. I talked to her repeatedly in the most serious manner,representing to her all the wickedness of what she had done, and all the unhappiness she had brought on her family.If she heard me, it was by good luck, for I am sure she did not listen. I was sometimes quite provoked, but then I recollected my dear Elizabeth and Jane,and for their sakes had patience with her.

    “Mr.Darcy was punctual in his return,and as Lydia informed you, attended the wedding. He dined with us the next day, and was to leave town again on Wednesday or Thursday.Will you be very angry with me,my dear Lizzy,if I take this opportunity of saying (what I was never bold enough to say before) how much I like him. His behaviour to us has, in every respect, been as pleasing as when we were in Derbyshire. His understanding and opinions all please me; he wants nothing but a little more liveliness,and that,if he marry prudently,his wife may teach him. I thought him very sly;—he hardly ever mentioned your name. But slyness seems the fashion.

    “Pray forgive me if I have been very presuming,or at least do not punish me so far as to exclude me from P. I shall never be quite happy till I have been all round the park.A low phaeton, with a nice little pair of ponies,would be the very thing.

    “But I must write no more.The children have been wanting me this half hour.

    “Yours,very sincerely,

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明明是他霸王硬上弓,可他却偏偏咬定是她偷了他的种。 再次相遇,他不但霸占她的窝,还对她一睡再睡,甚至理直气壮:你是孩子他妈,我是孩子他爸,孩子他爸就该睡孩子他妈! 她:…… 曾经羁傲不逊的莫少,如今有两大心愿:说服儿子;睡服儿子他妈。 为了实现心愿,莫少还开启了宠溺模式:对儿子,有求必应;对儿子他妈,有求必硬。 【日常篇】 他是多才多金的莫家少爷,叱咤商界的风云人物,而在楚心琪家,在楚心琪眼中,他是不折不扣的衣冠禽兽,为了一点家务事也要与儿子吵得面红耳赤的小气男人。 终于,她忍无可忍了—— "莫翎白,你到底想做什么?" "嫁给我!" 某女还没来得及说话,旁边沙发上翘着腿儿看电视的某宝先开口了,“别做梦了,一个成天跟小屁孩吵架的幼稚男人,我妈虽然二了些,可脑子还没坏。” “……”某男咬牙切齿。 【关于改名字】 某男气急:谁家孩子不跟爸爸姓? 某女气定神闲:我家的。 某男抓狂:你别忘了是我提供的种子! 某女挑眉:那又如何? 某男抓狂加跺脚:那好,你我的姓都加上,但我的姓要在第一位! 不等某女回话,一旁某宝冷飕飕的又开口了:能不能尊重一下我?莫楚昇(莫出声)?怎么滴,莫先生,你是想让我当哑巴啊?这还不算,回头我老师同学该怎么叫我? 楚昇(畜生)?!
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他曾在无边的寂寞中独自沉静; 他的记忆里包含了所有的前世今生; 他在不断的惩罚中完成了新兵训练; 他在数百万人的战役中险死还生; 他想脱离轮回的苦海,却不知道自己正在修真。 从懵懂无知的学习,到最后揭示真相的辉煌 执着的追求,坚持到底,永恒的生命是不是他希望的终点。
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一朝重生,她敛尽风华,倾尽天下。 人前,她是卑微无能、一无是处的庶出小姐;人后,她是步步为营、算无遗策的复仇女王。 他是手握重权的一国亲王,邪魅无情,无欲无求,独宠她上天,有求必应。 夺他性命的渣男?夺其权,要其命;令她生不如死的嫡姐?毁其容,扒其皮;害她生母的恶毒的姨娘、庶姐?让她们一无所有,身首异处;杀她亲弟的伪善嫡母?撕开她的面具,含恨而终;偏心虚伪的生父?让其身败名裂,郁郁而终
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谢谢所有支持正版的童鞋! 我有一愿:写文成神,赚多多的稿费发大财【 隔壁住了个面瘫冷漠男……他养了一只特别威武又特别二的狗……然后,这男人成了自己的老总……于是,假公济私又护短什么的最讨厌了……认识了帅逼邻居,然后邻居兄十分热衷于将他打造成巨星为己任……千旬总觉得这画风有点不对,明明有得坐就绝不站着,有得躺下就绝不坐着如此懒惰而又死宅的自己,完全不适合如此狂热的工作……
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丧尸?病毒?这里统统没有! 新环境?新物种?主角表示这都不是事儿! 当人类只需如同植物般喝水晒太阳就能生存,人类在大灭绝中是否会活得久一点? 当失去双亲的男孩发现人类灭绝的危机不止来自天灾;他能否通过改善环境来改善人心?
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