
    “When I consider,”she added in a yet more agitated voice,“that I might have prevented it!I,who knew what he was.Had I but explained some part of it only—some part of what I learnt,to my own family!Had his character been known,this could not have happened.But it is all—all too late now.”

    “I am grieved indeed,”cried Darcy;“grieved—shocked.But is it certain—absolutely certain?”

    “Oh, yes!They left Brighton together on Sunday night, and were traced almost to London,but not beyond;they are certainly not gone to Scotland.”

    “And what has been done,what has been attempted,to recover her?”

    “My father has gone to London,and Jane has written to beg my uncle's immediate assistance;and we shall be off,I hope,in half-an-hour.But nothing can be done—I know very well that nothing can be done.How is such a man to be worked on?How are they even to be discovered?I have not the smallest hope.It is every way horrible!”

    Darcy shook his head in silent acquiescence.

    “When my eyes were opened to his real character—Oh!had I known what I ought,what I dared to do!But I knew not—I was afraid of doing too much.Wretched,wretched mistake!”

    Darcy made no answer.He seemed scarcely to hear her,and was walking up and down the room in earnest meditation,his brow contracted,his air gloomy.Elizabeth soon observed,and instantly understood it.Her power was sinking;everything must sink under such a proof of family weakness,such an assurance of the deepest disgrace.She could neither wonder nor condemn,but the belief of his self-conquest brought nothing consolatory to her bosom, afforded no palliation of her distress. It was, on the contrary, exactly calculated to make her understand her own wishes; and never had she so honestly felt that she could have loved him,as now,when all love must be vain.

    But self, though it would intrude, could not engross her. Lydia—the humiliation,the misery she was bringing on them all, soon swallowed up every private care;and covering her face with her handkerchief,Elizabeth was soon lost to everything else;and, after a pause of several minutes,was only recalled to a sense of her situation by the voice of her companion,who,in a manner which, though it spoke compassion,spoke likewise restraint,said,

    “I am afraid you have been long desiring my absence,nor have I anything to plead in excuse of my stay,but real,though unavailing concern.Would to Heaven that anything could be either said or done on my part that might offer consolation to such distress! But I will not torment you with vain wishes, which may seem purposely to ask for your thanks.This unfortunate affair will, I fear, prevent my sister's having the pleasure of seeing you at Pemberley to-day.”

    “Oh,yes.Be so kind as to apologise for us to Miss Darcy.Say that urgent business calls us home immediately. Conceal the unhappy truth as long as it is possible,I know it cannot be long.”

    He readily assured her of his secrecy;again expressed his sorrow for her distress, wished it a happier conclusion than there was at present reason to hope, and leaving his compliments for her relations,with only one serious,parting look,went away.

    As he quitted the room,Elizabeth felt how improbable it was that they should ever see each other again on such terms of cordiality as had marked their several meetings in Derbyshire;and as she threw a retrospective glance over the whole of their acquaintance, so full of contradictions and varieties, sighed at the perverseness of those feelings which would now have promoted its continuance,and would formerly have rejoiced in its termination.
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“秦墨白,不是……” “腿伸直,腰挺高,胸挺起!”男人强势摆弄着她的身体,她不得不把“这样教”给咽了回去。 白天,西装革履的秦墨白是衣冠楚楚的经济学教授。 晚上,脱下西装的他就是个斯文败类。 和他住在一起的每一天,楼西都精疲力尽,终于,她暴走了! “教授,说好的传道受业呢?你每天晚上都在干!什!么!” 秦墨白低语浅笑:“白天教知识,晚上教姿势。” 知识?姿势……教授老公,你可别乱教啊!
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■原名:歧本将下巴垫在虞美人左肩,两颊相抵,说:“你这张脸我怎么都不会腻。”□ 虞美人眼梢微挑,扬起的嘴角添了一抹得意,随即装傻:“为什么?”□ 歧本理之当然的回:“没听过吗?肥而不腻。”□ 后来,虞美人就废了歧本一条腿。第一次见歧本,觉得这人长得漂亮,肉体完美,就有一点,嘴太贱。——虞美人大海啊全是水,虞美人啊全是腿,这是我第一次见虞美人时的感受。——歧本■关于虞美人——歧山:雌雄同体,嗜酒如命,劲儿大腿长劳姿:祸水,心机婊,比我红姜京淏:像我的初恋,像我女儿的妈陈州牧:敬业!敬业!敬业!粉丝:我们家网黄宝宝是最像宝宝的宝宝■关于歧本——虞美人:嘴贱,骚气,开口脆隽灵枢:我爱,我要,我想操道奇:天使外貌公主属性,矫情性格病娇体质的老大姜京淏:呵呵劳姿:呵呵一句话简介:一个蛮横值、魅力值乱飙的资本家与一个一脚踩着建筑圈一脚迈进娱乐圈的网黄的相厌相杀又相亲相爱!报丰厚!粗章和红包!禾尔是认真的!
玄幻奇幻 完结 73万字


她的心,像个倒挂的钩子。钩得人心发痒,痒得尽够了,便撕扯下鲜血淋漓,她仿佛才痛快。  而他,偏偏被她钩住了。  黑暗里阴暗里他们辗转拥抱着爬了过来,碾压过一地破碎的欲望、秘密、阴谋、杀戮,和……爱情。  “这深宫之中,唯有我们才是一类人,天生注定就要在一起。”  “你聪明,我也不废话。我欢喜你,因为你讨我欢喜。但我也防着你,因为你太讨我欢喜。”  “我有多爱你,你永远不会知晓。”1、每晚7点准时更新,日更到完结。2、1C,太子、大剂量宫斗+廷斗,烧脑群戏,架空正剧,谢绝考据。4、女主比男主大三岁。男主是腹黑又黏人的小鲜肉,女主的爱好是教鹦鹉念经。也许他俩都是神经病吧。5、↑这两个高智商低情商的人一开始没太想明白谈恋爱是怎么一回事。当他们想明白之后世界都会为他们的智商而颤抖。6、作者君已写到吐血,可不可以来个收藏呢小妖精1月11日周三)入V,当天万字更新,请大家支持正版,么么哒!新文存稿——《六嫁》他是她的第六个夫君。她说,你娶我,我便发兵。他说,好。她说,你给我一个孩子,我便为你复仇。他说,好。她说,你爱我,我给你全天下。他说,好。#¥#%*@!……她要抓狂了:你不是说了“好”么啊啊啊?!他眨巴眨巴眼睛:我只说收了你的天下,没说要赶你走啊!她继续抓狂:我不管,你别跟着我啊啊啊!他把某物往前一递,眨巴眨巴眼睛:可是娃儿要吃奶,你看着办吧!  阿眠的文文们! 收藏阿眠专栏,开了新文早知道!
玄幻奇幻 完结 174万字